A More Complicated Example: Nonlinear Circuit
This tutorial will implement the nonlinear circuit example from the OpenMDAO docs in Julia. Along the way, we'll learn
- how to create implicit components with OpenMDAO.jl
- how to create OpenMDAO.jl components with metadata (the equivalent of
in a normal Python component) - how to specify default values for component metadata
We'll need the OpenMDAOCore package, of course:
using OpenMDAOCore: OpenMDAOCore
An Explicit Component with an Option: The Resistor
Next we'll create an explicit component that models a resistor. The resistor has one option: the resistance, R
. We'll make R
a field in the Julia struct that we'll use for the Resistor
struct Resistor <: OpenMDAOCore.AbstractExplicitComp
Now we'd like to use a default value of 1.0
for the resistance. We can do that by creating an outer constructor for the Resistor
with a default keyword value.
# Default value for R.
Resistor(; R=1.0) = Resistor(R)
Next, we'll create a setup
function as usual:
function OpenMDAOCore.setup(self::Resistor)
input_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("V_in"; units="V"), OpenMDAOCore.VarData("V_out"; units="V")]
output_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("I"; units="A")]
R = self.R
partials_data = [OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("I", "V_in", val=1/R),
OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("I", "V_out", val=-1/R),]
return input_data, output_data, partials_data
Since this is a linear resistor, the derivatives are constant, and we can set them via the val
argument in the PartialsData
, just like in OpenMDAO's declare_partials
method. Also notice that we can specify units for each of the inputs and outputs, just like in a Python OpenMDAO component.
Finally, we'll implement the compute!
function OpenMDAOCore.compute!(self::Resistor, inputs, outputs)
deltaV = inputs["V_in"][1] - inputs["V_out"][1]
outputs["I"][1] = deltaV/self.R
return nothing
Notice that we have access to the R
field in the Resistor
, named self
here. (We could call it anything, just like in a Python method.)
An Explicit Component with Two Options: The Diode
We need two parameters to characterize the Diode: the saturation current Is
and the thermal voltage Vt
struct Diode <: OpenMDAOCore.AbstractExplicitComp
Next, we'll create an constructor that sets both options using keyword arguments, and provides default values for both.
# Use Julia's keyword arguments to set default values.
Diode(; Is=1e-15, Vt=0.025875) = Diode(Is, Vt)
Next, we'll implement the setup
method for the Diode.
function OpenMDAOCore.setup(self::Diode)
input_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("V_in"; units="V"), OpenMDAOCore.VarData("V_out"; units="V")]
output_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("I"; units="A")]
partials_data = [OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("I", "V_in"), OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("I", "V_out")]
return input_data, output_data, partials_data
Nothing unusual here.
Finally, the compute!
and compute_partials!
function OpenMDAOCore.compute!(self::Diode, inputs, outputs)
deltaV = inputs["V_in"][1] - inputs["V_out"][1]
Is = self.Is
Vt = self.Vt
outputs["I"][1] = Is * (exp(deltaV / Vt) - 1)
return nothing
function OpenMDAOCore.compute_partials!(self::Diode, inputs, J)
deltaV = inputs["V_in"][1] - inputs["V_out"][1]
Is = self.Is
Vt = self.Vt
I = Is * exp(deltaV / Vt)
J["I", "V_in"][1, 1] = I/Vt
J["I", "V_out"][1, 1] = -I/Vt
return nothing
Like the Resistor
, we have access to the Is
and Vt
options in the Diode
in both methods.
Our First Implicit Component: The Node
Our final component we need for the circuit is an implicit one: the Node
. Each node can have an arbitrary number of incoming and outgoing currents, so we'll need two integer options to keep track of that:
struct Node <: OpenMDAOCore.AbstractImplicitComp
We'll have n_in
and n_out
both default to one, though:
Node(; n_in=1, n_out=1) = Node(n_in, n_out)
Next up is the setup
method. We'll need to use a loop to create all the inputs and outputs needed for the component:
function OpenMDAOCore.setup(self::Node)
output_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("V", val=5.0, units="V")]
input_data = Vector{OpenMDAOCore.VarData}()
partials_data = Vector{OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData}()
for i in 0:self.n_in-1
i_name = "I_in:$i"
push!(input_data, OpenMDAOCore.VarData(i_name; units="A"))
push!(partials_data, OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("V", i_name; val=1.0))
for i in 0:self.n_out-1
i_name = "I_out:$i"
push!(input_data, OpenMDAOCore.VarData(i_name; units="A"))
push!(partials_data, OpenMDAOCore.PartialsData("V", i_name; val=-1.0))
return input_data, output_data, partials_data
We could have done something fancier like an array comprehension to create the VarData
and PartialsData
input_data = [OpenMDAOCore.VarData("I_in:$i"; units="A") for i in 0:self.n_in-1]
Also, the derivatives are constant for the node, so we set them in the PartialsData
Finally, we just need to write the apply_nonlinear!
function OpenMDAOCore.apply_nonlinear!(self::Node, inputs, outputs, residuals)
residuals["V"][1] = 0.0
for i_conn in 0:self.n_in-1
residuals["V"][1] += inputs["I_in:$i_conn"][1]
for i_conn in 0:self.n_out-1
residuals["V"][1] -= inputs["I_out:$i_conn"][1]
return nothing
We see that the apply_nonlinear!
OpenMDAO.jl method is very similar to the apply_nonlinear
method on a normal Python ImplicitComponent
— its job is to calculate the residual of the implicit equation(s) it is modeling from the inputs
and outputs
The Run Script
We're finally ready for the run script! Here it is:
using OpenMDAO: om, make_component
p = om.Problem()
circuit = om.Group()
circuit.add_subsystem("n1", make_component(Node(n_in=1, n_out=2)), promotes_inputs=[("I_in:0", "I_in")])
circuit.add_subsystem("n2", make_component(Node()))
circuit.add_subsystem("R1", make_component(Resistor(R=100.0)), promotes_inputs=[("V_out", "Vg")])
circuit.add_subsystem("R2", make_component(Resistor(R=10000.0)))
circuit.add_subsystem("D1", make_component(Diode()), promotes_inputs=[("V_out", "Vg")])
circuit.connect("n1.V", ["R1.V_in", "R2.V_in"])
circuit.connect("R1.I", "n1.I_out:0")
circuit.connect("R2.I", "n1.I_out:1")
circuit.connect("n2.V", ["R2.V_out", "D1.V_in"])
circuit.connect("R2.I", "n2.I_in:0")
circuit.connect("D1.I", "n2.I_out:0")
circuit.nonlinear_solver = om.NewtonSolver()
circuit.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()
circuit.nonlinear_solver.options["iprint"] = 2
circuit.nonlinear_solver.options["maxiter"] = 10
circuit.nonlinear_solver.options["solve_subsystems"] = true
circuit.nonlinear_solver.linesearch = om.ArmijoGoldsteinLS()
circuit.nonlinear_solver.linesearch.options["maxiter"] = 10
circuit.nonlinear_solver.linesearch.options["iprint"] = 2
p.model.add_subsystem("circuit", circuit)
p.set_val("circuit.I_in", 0.1)
p.set_val("circuit.Vg", 0.)
# set some initial guesses
p.set_val("circuit.n1.V", 10.)
p.set_val("circuit.n2.V", 1e-3)
println("circuit.n1.V = $(p["circuit.n1.V"]) (should be 9.90804735)")
println("circuit.n2.V = $(p["circuit.n2.V"]) (should be 0.71278185)")
println("circuit.R1.I = $(p["circuit.R1.I"]) (should be 0.09908047)")
println("circuit.R2.I = $(p["circuit.R2.I"]) (should be 0.00091953)")
println("circuit.D1.I = $(p["circuit.D1.I"]) (should be 0.00091953)")
# sanity check: should sum to .1 Amps
println("circuit.R1.I + circuit.D1.I = $(p["circuit.R1.I"] + p["circuit.D1.I"]) (should be 0.1)")
circuit.n1.V = [9.90804735] (should be 9.90804735)
circuit.n2.V = [0.71278185] (should be 0.71278185)
circuit.R1.I = [0.09908047] (should be 0.09908047)
circuit.R2.I = [0.00091953] (should be 0.00091953)
circuit.D1.I = [0.00091953] (should be 0.00091953)
circuit.R1.I + circuit.D1.I = [0.1] (should be 0.1)
Notice that:
- We can use
methods just like a Python OpenMDAO program - Linear and nonlinear solvers, and linesearch objects also work fine
- We get the same answers as the Python example in the OpenMDAO docs! :-)